Join leadership peers to explore a disciplemaking framework centred on a case study of Jesus’ ministry focusing on His movement building principles. Shift groups are coordinated by a trained facilitator who will help you wrestle with the realities of implementing what you discover about movement building in your own life and ministry context.

This is not an effort to prescribe a ‘model’ of doing ministry that you can take and plant over your old style. SHIFTm2M is a journey to discover the foundation of what Christ is calling leaders to be and what efforts He asks leaders to build into as His followers.

Centred around the gospels, SHIFTm2M Groups are times of study, training, discussion, and evaluation. There are nine days of content usually split over four retreats or once a month for 9 months.

There is preparation to do before each retreat. This is primarily working through Knowing Him, a 50 day chronological study through the life of Christ. This is facilitated using a Harmony of the Gospels which presents Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in parallel with events in the life of Christ presented in chronological order. Each study is supplemented by a podcast and most days have a video shot on location in Israel unpacking more about geography and historical context.

It’s on this foundation of a slow, thorough, and fascinating study through the gospels that your facilitator will help you unpack Jesus’ disciplemaking movement principles and apply them to your ministry context. During SHIFTm2M, you’ll study movement building principles from the life of Christ which have been used by thousands of leaders globally.

Contact us for the courses being run in 2023.



Welcome to the online content for the 1 day SHIFT m2M Workshop.

Shift m2M is an initiative of Power to Change in partnership with Christian leaders who share the vision of seeing communities that follow Jesus transformed into movement of multiplying disciplemakers growing around Australia and beyond.

This one-day workshop provides an introduction to some of the key Shift m2M concepts that are used in the Shift 9-day course and gives an orientation to the framework.  

Key Learning Objectives

  • Jesus is fully God and fully man.
  • Jesus did not dip into His divinity to live out his humanity.
  • Jesus is our model for life and ministry.
  • We underestimate what Jesus wants to do through us.
  • You can turn your ministry into a spiritual movement by creating a pathway for people in your sphere of influence to move from being a non-Christian to being a disciplemaker.

If you would like to attend or run a 1 day Power to Change SHIFTm2M Workshop - please contact us via our contact page.